01260 408161          34 Mill Street, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 1AD      

Ableworld Congleton Easter Raffle

This entry was posted in April 28, 2023

Ableworld Congleton organised a raffle this spring to help them get into the Easter spirit. Its safe to say, spirits were raised along with some money for a fantastic cause.  

We decided to draw the winner of the raffle whilst hosting a Coffee morning on the 4th April. Biscuits were broken, cake was devoured and hot cups of tea and coffee were drunk. It was great to see so many familiar faces join us, all we hope is that you enjoyed our time with us.

A big thank you to everyone for making it such a success, we already can’t wait to host another coffee morning in the coming months. Watch this space!

We are proud to announce that we managed to raise a total of £63.30 for the Old Sawmill in Congleton, a fantastic cause that has done so much for our community.

Located just off Antrobus Street the community café is headed up by a group of volunteers. Their mission, to create a safe community hub in which anyone can come and use, it’s a safe space for customers and staff alike. As The Old Sawmill helps to hire those that have struggled to get work, and currently have 4 young staff members that have learning difficulties or disabilities.  

From everyone here at Ableworld Congleton, we want to say a big thank you to the Volunteers of The Old Sawmill for doing such a fantastic job. We hope the small amount of money that we raised can be used to help with your efforts and ensure you stay in Congleton for the foreseeable future.

Our mission is to carry on raising money for such great causes. So, please keep an eye out for more fundraising opportunities at Ableworld Congleton and join in on the fun!

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